Comment convertir l'ACOL en SAYC

(sans doute utile à la compréhension de l'un comme de l'autre...)


Understanding SAYC for ACOL Players

A Summary of how to Convert from ACOL to SAYC

Revised April, 1996

An SAYC-ised ACOL convention sheet would look something like this:

Basic system
ACOL with 5 card majors
Opening 1NT
Strong (15-17) (5 card majors allowed)
Opening 2NT
20-21 (5 card majors allowed)
Opening 3NT
25-27 (5 card majors allowed)
Opening 2 bids
Weak majors and weak diamonds 5-11 6 cards no void
Opening 3 bids
1NT overcall
15-18 HCP
Jump Overcalls
Pre-emptive equal to weak 2 opening
Defense to 1NT
Defense to Pre-empts
Double for takeout, suit or NT natural, cuebid is Michael's
Slam Conventions
Blackwood & Gerber (after NT)

Other Conventions

  • Stayman and Jacoby Transfers over all NT openings
  • Michael's Cue Bids
  • Jacoby 2NT response to a major
  • Unusual 2NT overcall
  • Negative X's up to 2S
  • SOS RX up to 3S

Main changes from ACOL weak 1NT & weak 2's system (UK) are

  • To show a weak NT hand you have to rebid NT instead of open NT
  • 5 card majors
  • 2NT response to a major is NOT 12-14 points balanced (see Jacoby 2NT)
  • 2D is a weak 2

General Notes

1) Opening 1 of a suit - 5 card majors
	if you have a weak balanced hand (12-14 points) then rebid 1NT
	if you have 4-4 in the minors then bid 1D first
	if you have 3-3 in the minors then bid 1C first
1D pass 1S pass 1NT shows balanced hand probably 4-4 in minors
1D pass 1H pass 1NT shows balanced hand probably 4-4 in minors
1C pass 1S pass 1NT shows balanced hand probably 3-3 in minors
1C pass 1H pass 1NT shows balanced hand 3-3-4-3 or 3-3-3-4 or 3-3-2-5

 2) Opening 1NT	- Strong NT 15-17 - Stayman and Transfers are standard

 3) Opening 2NT - 20-21

 4) Opening 3NT - 25-27

 5) Opening 2C  - 23+ or 4 losers and 9 1/2 playing tricks

 6) Opening 2D, 2H, 2S - weak 2's 6-10 points 6 carder no 4 card major
                         no 2 singletons no void

 7) Responding to 1C - need 5 cards + 1D not forcing + 2NT is 13-15

 8) Responding to 1D - need 4 cards + 2NT is 13-15

 9) Responding to 1H or 1S - need 3 cards + Jackoby 2NT with 13+
    After Jackoby 2NT, opener shows a short suit to help responder
slam prospects:       eg: After 1H (Pass) 2NT (Pass)

		3C, 3D, 3S = singleton or void
		4H	   = minimum hand
		3NT	   = medium hand
		3H	   = maximum hand

 10) Responding to 1NT - Gerber + Stayman + Jacoby Transfers
		Stayman is forcing to the 2 level
		Transfer 2D asks opener to bid 2H
		 2H		       2S
		 2S		       3C - responders chooses
                                            Pass (C) or 3D
		1NT (Pass) 3 of a minor invites 3NT
                                - responder has a 6 card suit
	     1NT (Pass) 3 of a major invites slam

11) Responding to 2NT - Gerber + Stayman + Jacoby Transfers

12) Responding to 3NT - Stayman + Jacoby Transfers to H's or S's

13) Responding to 2C - 2D might be 'artificial' denial &
                                expects a rebid from opener

14) Responding to weak 2's
		2NT - 	opener then shows hand as follows:
			Rebid Suit 		- Minimum 5-8
			A suit with features 	- Maximum
			3NT with no features 	- Maximum

		3NT	- To play
		Raise opener's suit 		- To Play
		New Suit - RONF (Raise only, non force) - a one round force
		RONF: Forcing 1 round - Opener raises a major
                                        with 3 card fit or good 2 carder

15) Blackwood - normal

16) Openers Rebids - normal but see response to Jackoby 2NT in section 9)

17) Overcalling: normal
		 cuebid of enemy suit after an overcall from partner
                 is asking about quality and is forcing:
		   eg:after (1D) 1S (Pass) 2D
                             which is bidding the enemy suit
			then	2S rebid of overcalled suit (weak)
		or	other 	11-12 points minimum

also Michaels Cuebid is used:
Direct Overcall of the Enemy Suit shows a 5-5 two suiter
	Minor Cuebid = shows the majors
	Major Cuebid = shows the other major & unspecified minor
		eg:	(1D) 2D		5-5 majors, 8+  points
			(1S) 2S 	5-5 hearts, 10+ points
		The responder to the overcall can ask
                 which suit the minor is by 2NT

18)	Responding to a Takeout Double: normal, including bidding
                                    opponents suit as a force to game

19)	Cuebidding RHO's suit (Right Hand Overcaller's Suit):
                                                   often game forcing.

20)	Negative Doubles: promises 4+ cards in unbid major(s)
		1C (1D) Double = 4-4 or better in majors
		1D (1H) Double = exactly 4 spades (with 5 spades, bid 1S)
		1D (1S) Double = 4 hearts & 6+ points
                                 (or 5 hearts and 5-10 points)

21)	Responder's jump shift after a double is to play
		eg: 1D double 2H,2S,3C = 6 card suit,
                                    like a weak 2 or pre-emptive 3

22)	Redoubles:
			a) To play is your side at 4 level or better
			b) Penalty if over an artificial bid
			eg: 1NT (Pass) 2D (double) Redouble for penalties
			c) We can make it partner
				eg: 1S (Double) Redouble

23)	SOS redouble: if doubled for penalties at the 3 level or lower
			eg:	1D (Pass) Pass (Double) Pass (Pass)
      Redouble = SOS, can support at least 2 of the unbid suits
Summary of how to convert from ACOL to SAYC V1.1 based on BPLive SAYC.

Conversion created by Phil Allen, hiding out somewhere in the UK, who (of course) claims NO responsibility for any negative results achieved using the above, but who will happily (of course) take complete responsibility for any positive results :)

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Détails SAYC
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Résumé SAYC
en français

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